What Happens to my Contribution?

Research overview and aims:

Within the Planning Creativity Project, Chatterley Whitfield 3D aims to use 3D digital mapping software alongside digital heritage outreach as a proof-of-concept in order to:

  1. render data gained from arts and humanities research into a format that can be manipulated and utilised by mathematical, geographical and planning models.
  2. To do so in ways that retain the complexity and inherent granularity of this type of landscape research, and enhance, rather than threaten the ability of local people and communities to be empowered through decision-making.

To do this, the project will:

  1. Build an online, 3D model of Chatterley Whitfield Colliery as a proof-of-concept community engagement tool.
  2. Capture, digitise and map at a structure-level data derived from other elements of the project, relevant historical documents and records, and online submissions of memories, documents and images by wider public stakeholders in the site.
  3. Encourage community participation in planning by making such participation more accessible.
  4. Create a flexible and data-rich research tool which retains the complexity and diversity of arts- and humanities-derived material.

Chatterley Whitfield 3D will fit within a the broader project 'Planning Creativity', and your submission may be used to fulfill its objectives:

  1. To develop the modelling potential of arts- and humanities-derived data: Use 3D digital mapping software alongside digital heritage outreach as a proof of concept to render data gained from arts and humanities research into a format that can be manipulated and utilised by mathematical, geographical and planning models. To do so in ways that retain the complexity and inherent granularity of this type of landscape research, and enhance, rather than threaten the ability of local people and communities to be empowered through decision-making.
  2. To develop a legacy network of site-based communities: In partnership, to action Historic England's recommendation to create a legacy network of site-based expertise by bringing communities associated with similar sites together so as to expand the capacity of communities to take part in decision-making, and empowering them to understand and where appropriate, intervene in decision-making processes.
  3. To integrate co-creative methods within an emerging planning process for future heritage: Promote co-creative and participatory democratic process as a means to more effectively manage decommissioning amongst an audience of new stakeholders such as decommissioning contractors, local authority representatives, site developers, landowners or mathematical modelling experts, including where relevant projects within the wider 'Changing Landscapes' research programme.
  4. To promote synergies between arts and humanities landscape projects and the planning process through knowledge exchange: In partnership with Historic England, and through co-investigator research placement, build knowledge capacity in planning and heritage expertise amongst the project team and targeted communities to increase synergies between digitised outputs and planning processes.


You are being invited to submit memories, documents and images to the publicly-accessible 3D model of Chatterley Whitfield within the project ‘Planning Creativity: Participatory Heritage and Decision-Making’. Planning Creativity is a project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, it is run by Dr. Ben Anderson, Dr Ceri Morgan, Dr. Alexander Nobajas (Keele University), Dr. Katrina Navickas (University of Hertforshire), Prof. Matthew Kelly (Northumbria University) and Dr Ian Waites (University of Lincoln), in partnership with the Chatterley Whitfield Friends.

Before you decide whether or not you wish to submit material to the 3D model, it is important for you to understand why this research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read this information carefully and discuss it with friends and relatives if you wish. Ask us if there is anything that is unclear or if you would like more information.

Why have I been invited?

Anyone can submit whatever they like to the 3D model, so long as it is legal. All are invited who feel they have something to contribute.

Do I have to take part?

You are free to decide whether you wish to submit materials or not, and registering on the website does not mean you have to submit anything. If you do decide to submit something, you will be asked to sign two online forms. One is a consent form; the other is a copyright permissions declaration that allows us to use your submission on the project. You are free to withdraw from this study at any time and without giving reasons, and we will remove any submissions and all your data, as you wish, from our website. However it is important to be aware that it may not be possible to remove your submission from all media formats - for example, if it appears in a print publication.

What will happen if I submit something?

After completing the consent form, the copyright form and an optional equality and diversity questionnaire, your submission will be moderated. As a part of the moderation process, we may need to modify the public version of your submission. This is because you may refer to, or depict third party individuals, who retain their rights to not be personally identified under GDPR legislation. Normally, the alteration would take the form of a redaction, blurring of an image or similar. You will be able to tell us if you have the permission of all those in your submission to be identified, or if they are deceased, in which case GDPR no longer applies. We will keep a copy of the original document for future archival purposes. Your submission will then appear within the appropriate building or space on Chatterley Whitfield 3D. You are free to submit more documents if you wish.

Chatterley Whitfield 3D is designed to offer a resource for people researching the Chatterley Whitfield site, and this might mean that your submission is used in, for example, historical research, planning processes, or social models of heritage. This does not imply the right to reproduce your work or to otherwise infringe copyright. The model will provide these groups with a new tool, but also increase the visibility of the local community in decisions about the site in the future.

What are the benefits (if any) of taking part?

This project will provide a space for stakeholders in the Chatterley Whitfield site to express their own views, and make public the potentially important ideas and documents that they hold about the past, present and future of the site. You will enable your voice to be heard, contributing to thinking about and understanding the future of this important heritage site.

What are the risks (if any) of taking part?

In order to sign the copyright permissions declaration, you must own the copyright to your submitted material. You own the copyright if you a) created the material, b) inherited the material from its creator or c) have acquired the ownership of the copyright from a third party. It is not enough to own a copy of a work (for example a photograph), you must own the original (i. e. the negative/original file) and/or the rights to it. If you are unsure if you own copyright, do not submit the material, because to do so would be illegal. If you have questions about this (or hold, for example, documents and images that you believe are out of copyright), please contact us on info@chatterleywhitfield.online - we may be able to help.

How will information about me be used?

Your submission, along with others might be used (but not reproduced, beyond fair dealing) in future research projects about Chatterley Whitfield Colliery (by historians, heritage scholars, planning professionals or social modellers), and Keele University may use your submission as part of our article on the success or otherwise of the 3D model as a tool for public engagement, within public art installations, or other media production on the project. Other information you submit to us will be used only for the purposes of equality and diversity monitoring and will not be linked to your submission.

Who will have access to information about me?

Your submitted material will be publicly available to view, but not reproduce. However, it might be possible to identify you from the material you submit alone - for example in a personal memory or a photograph.

When you agree to submit materials, we will collect personally identifiable information, such as name, e-mail address and postal address, and voluntarily-submitted information for the monitoring of equality and diversity. For the next 10 years, data generated by the project will be digitally collected and stored on a virtual private server secured by public key encryption with automatic back-up, in accordance with Keele’s Research Data Management and Sharing Policy and our institutional guidance governing Data Protection. Individualised data will only be accessible in extremis, for example where we need to contact you to confirm copyright, and then only to the principal investigator (Dr Ben Anderson, Keele University). Aggregate (de-individualised) data will be accessible to the Planning Creativity project team only.

After 10 years, responsibility for the website and 3D model will pass to Chatterley Whitfield Friends. They may choose to retain the data storage principles outlined above. If they do not, your data will be deposited electronically within Keele’s data depository, with the same limitations on accessibility as outlined above.

Who is funding the research?

The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)

What if there is a problem?

If you have a concern about any aspect of this study, you may wish to speak to us, and we will do our best to answer your questions. You should contact Dr Ben Anderson at b.anderson@keele.ac.uk

If you are unhappy about the research and/or wish to raise a complaint about any aspect of the way that you have been approached or treated during the course of the study, please write to Dr Tracy Nevatte (Keele University) at the following addresses:-

Dr Tracy Nevatte
Head of Project Assurance
Directorate of Research, Innovation and Engagement
David Weatherall Building
Keele University

Tel: 01782 732975

Email: t.nevatte@keele.ac.uk

Contact for further information (general queries)

Dr Ben Anderson
School of Humanities
Chancellor’s Building
Keele University
ST5 5BG.

Tel: 01782 733611

Email: b.anderson@keele.ac.uk