Content related to Hesketh Heapstead
Picture: Urban Wilderness - Hesketh Heapstead by kelcey
Picture: Model of Chatterley Whitfield by Chatwhitchair
Document: Chatterley Whitfield, Method Study Reports, 3s S Moss, Hardmine dust & Wolstanton Connection, NCB 19 by kelcey
Document: Chatterley Whitfield, Middle Pit Connection, 8690' Horizon, NCB 1963 CW-S-30 by kelcey
Document: Chatterley Whitfield, Proposed 750,000 ton Scheme, NCB 1960 CW-P-2 by kelcey
Document: Chatterley Whitfield, Proposed Development of Diamond, Silver & Brights seams, NCB 1960 SW-S-20 by kelcey
Document: Chatterley Whitfield, Proposed Dirt Bunker, NCB 1960 CW-S-21 by kelcey
Document: Chatterley Whitfield, Proposed Dirt Disposal Scheme, 8690 Horizon NCB 1960, CW-S-12 by kelcey
Document: Chatterley Whitfield, Proposed Hesketh Pit Bottom Reorganisation, 8690 Horizon, NCB 1960 CW-S-28 by kelcey
Document: Chatterley Whitfield, Proposed Tunnel Connection To Bellringer Main Dip, NCB 1963 CW-S-29 by kelcey
Document: Chatterley Whitfield, Underground Fire, Inquest 1948 , NCB CW-M-A-1 by kelcey
Document: Chatterley Whitfield, South Lateral & Crosscut to Moss Seam, NCB 1961 CW-S-25 by kelcey
Document: Chatterley Whitfield, Section of Strata, Hesketh Shaft CW-S-5 by kelcey
Document: Chatterley Whitfield, Reports, 3s S Moss Face, Hardmine dust, NCB 1966-75 CW-P-11 by kelcey