Welcome to Chatterley Whitfield Online, a website devoted to collecting and curating information about England’s largest existing deep colliery site, in Stoke-on-Trent. We are interested in your memories, images, documents and other media connected to the site. If you’ve got old documents hanging around in your loft, or you want to share a story of the site with us, this is the place to do it!
This site is also the home of two AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council) -funded projects exploring what happens to large industrial facilities as they transform into major heritage sites. Chatterley Whitfield is just one of three sites that we are investigating, each at a different stage in its life story, and a different contribution to make to our project. Explore the website for more information.
Hover on the map to see the name of the building. Click the building to see more about it.

Get Involved
Chatterley Whitfield Online is a Crowd-Sourced Heritage resource, and that means that we need your input! It doesn't matter how big, small, old or new it is - from a photograph you took yesterday, to a childhood memory, historical document or reflection on the site, so long as you own the rights to the material and are happy for it to be made publicly available, we'd love to feature it on Chatterley Whitfield Online. When you submit, you will be asked for a username which will be tagged to your image, or if you wish, you may be fully anonymous - but do bear in mind that it might be possible for someone to identify you from your submission alone. You'll also be asked for consent on how we intend to use your submissions and data.